Alice Johnson to Newsmax: Prison Can Be a Very Dark Place

President Donald Trump’s appointment of Alice Johnson as pardon czar follows her being pardoned by Trump during his first term in office. Johnson told Newsmax Monday that her life sentence for nonviolent crimes forced her to deal with the hard realities of prison.”Prison can be a very dark place, a very rough place. But I started doing things in prison not only to uplift myself, but I began serving the needs of the other women,” Johnson told “The Record With Greta Van Susteren.” 

“I became a well-known playwright. I produced faith-based plays. I served as a hospice volunteer to be with women who had no family. I would be the last voice they hear before they entered into glory.”Johnson said the need for support for people in prison is unimaginable.

“I sat with women who were contemplating suicide. I would sit there with them to talk to them and give them hope that it’s not over.”Johnson said she never gave up hope for her release from prison. She’s thankful Trump reviewed her case.

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