Dennis Prager to Newsmax: NY Times, WaPo Like ‘Pravda’ for Dems

The way the mainstream press covers Democrats is reminiscent of the Soviet Union, conservative commentator Dennis Prager told Newsmax on Monday.

On “Finnerty,” Prager told guest host Marc Lotter, “You noted earlier the press being advocates of the Democratic Party at this time. I’m hesitating to say this because I love my country, but my field of study in graduate school at Columbia was Soviet affairs. I learned Russian in order to read their newspaper, ‘Pravda,’ the Communist Party paper.

“I would say that, by and large, now there are differences. But by and large, the ‘Washington Post,’ ‘New York Times,’ CNN, and ‘Los Angeles Times’ function on behalf of the Democratic Party the way ‘Pravda’ did on behalf of the Communist Party. And I never thought when I was a graduate student that I would say that about American media. I thought I was only studying Soviet media.”

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